
you know, sometimes people are assholes.

why would i say this? it's simple...i am a truthful person, thats why. this past monday i had to take evan to the er (again!) for yet another head injury (in the same spot as it was the monday before). anyway, when i was getting evan into his "room" at st. joes some arbitrary nurse comes in to ask what happened. i give her the run through of how he was scooting a plastic pitcher across the kitchen floor and he lost his footing and kinda slid over it and (i assume) hit the kitchen floor (it could have been the edge of the pitcher, i don't know...i was making dinner).

anyway, this lady looks at me with this stern, frigid face and asks me if he has a helmet. i tell her yes, but that he doesn't wear it often. in this nurses head, she thinks this is the perfect opportunity to school me in mothering and tells me that she has seen many hemophiliacs die from head injuries and lack of a helmet. i wanted to punch her.

now, i know that i should be more diligent about this. i know. but he was playing on the kitchen floor. he wasn't running around the block. he wasn't skateboarding. he wasn't jumping off the banister. he was on the kitchen floor. playing with plastic pitchers. not mallets or knives. plastic. pitchers.

and who says that? seriously. do they not give some sort of nurse tact class in nursing school? because i think they should. hell, i would even chair it up to keep stuff like this from happening. i felt bad enough as it was...the last thing i needed at that very moment was some random woman telling me that i suck at life. it's difficult enough being in the emergency room for the second time in seven days, by yourself, with a little baby that is about to endure the pain of several needle pokes plus another ct scan.

i'm still annoyed by this. i need to let it go.

in other news, i have had evan in his helmet every day since. even if he is on the floor, playing with plastic pitchers.

1 comment:

Jaime said...

Hi, you don't know me, my name is Jaime and I saw your post on the Hemophilia Mom's Forum. I have a 16mo son with severe A and have been through so many of the same things you have. Please let me know if you ever want to chat. I've only met a couple of other moms online with kids as young as ours with Hemo. It's nice to know there are others out there going through it too. Here is my email address and blog website jcowan10@yahoo.com www.thecowancrew.blogspot.com