here are a couple of pictures of evan and i in the picu. this is after i had about three hours of sleep in a hospital chair the night before. we were up at 5:25 that morning so that evan could have his second ct scan. he was utterly exhausted. i am actually showered and clean thanks to my mom staying with e while i ran down the street to my sister's house to shower.
this picture is typical of how e was feeling while he was stuck in the picu. he was tired and annoyed and just wanting to sleep. the lights in there are so bright that they don't really lend to being able to get comfortable and dozing off to sleep for any real period of time.
this is my mom with evan. she was such an enormous lifesaver to me while i was in there with him. she came home immediately from her thanksgiving trip when i called to let her know that e was bleeding in his head. she was in my hospital room the next morning at 8:30 and stayed with me until my husband arrived that late afternoon so that i wouldnt be alone and would have some help with my little one. she also came back and did it again on thanksgiving day. she stayed with e while i went home to visit with the company that was at our house and so that i could shower and get refreshed. i owe a lot to my mom. she's really awesome.
here is e trying to snuggle up with his favorte blanket. he was dying to find a comfy spot to sleep. even if it meant that he was sitting up in his crib.
and here's evan looking sweet and utterly exhausted. all the poking and prodding really did him in. but he is just the sweetest thing on the face of the earth and he just kept smiling and trying to play and be himself, despite the hell that he was going through. i mean, not only is he being pulled at by doctor's and nurses, and poked more times than i was either time i gave birth...but he has an inner head bleed. that has to cause some decent amount of pain in there. and he's just as sweet and as lovely as ever.
here are the views of e's arms after they tried (unsuccessfully) to put his picc line in with the iv team and his doctor. his right arm doesn't look near as bad as his left does. two days later the radiology team was able to get the picc line put in to his right arm.
and here are the final pictures from our stay. these show e's third iv. this one was a bitch to get took four different nurses, five pokes and over an hour to do. poor little boy has difficult veins to find...and he's so small, so his veins are small. and he is fair skinned, which the nurses told me makes it more difficult to find veins too. this was e's second foot iv, and this time they placed a diaper under the foot so that he absolutely could not walk with this one. we were running out of room to poke him, and losing this iv would not be good at all. so, since he couldn't walk evan wanted nothing but to be pushed all around the hospital floor either in the wagon we used upstairs or in his stroller. this picture was taken shortly before we went to radiology, where the picc line was placed. i was a nervous wreck with him in there. he was under strong sedation, and i knew that his veins were small and close to his arteries (the reason they could not place the picc in the picu the other day). i was completely nervous about an accident happening and something hitting the artery. i am so thankful for the team of doctors that placed the line in him. these people are amazing.
Poor baby. I just want to hold him and make him feel better.
I tagged for for a meme, so that is my way of making you feel better.
Poor little guy! I'm so sorry you had to go through that! How is he doing now, and how are you doing with the infusions?
jaime, he is doing great. and i am really good at the infusing, though the picc line is a lot easier than the port (i assume). we go back for a factor level draw (pre-infusion) on thursday morning. after the results come back i should be able to know whether or not i'll be able to move to once a day infusions. he has an appointment with the neurologist on the 18th and i will be able to find out about a follow up ct scan when im there.
Yea, very good news! Glad you guys are doing so well and that the infusions are going smoothly. It's so liberating to know that we can give them the factor they need w/o going to the hospital. Keep us posted. I think about you all the time!
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