well, i did it. i accessed e's port today. the nurse was here and asked if i still wanted to do it...i sort of hesitated and she said "yep, you can do it." so i got everything ready, and i didn't even screw up putting on my sterile gloves and keeping them sterile. and then i accessed him. it was such an amazing thing. i was scared and nervous that i was going to mess up something, or hurt him...but it went so well! he laid there and we sang songs as i infused him...and he didn't make a peep when he saw me with the needle. this is such a huge deal for us...it means that we can travel without worry now. it means that if something bad happens and he needs to be infused right away, i can do it myself. and, of course, it is just another step on this crazy hemophilia journey that i seem to have conquered.
when e was first diagnosed, i was so scared...and so, so sad. i honestly mourned my idealistic views of his life for a long time. hell, i still mourn from time to time. but its hurdles like this that make me realise we are creating a life for him that is full of capability and hope and independence. as a mom, i work so hard to acchieve that last one...independence. and i have done a hell of a job with noah, and have been scared that i would coddle evan too much to allow him to be like his big brother. but after i find that i can handle the tough parts of this disease, i realise that i can teach him to handle them too.
and, for your viewing pleasure, here are some more recent photos of him. he's growing too fast =(
Congradulations Sara! Infusing just gets easier and easier with time. When you said "but after i find that i can handle the tough parts of this disease, i realize that i can teach him to handle them to" is exactly how I feel now too. I wish you and E all the best!
Great job, and on the first try too! That big sigh of relief feels good, doesn't it? After our son began prophlylaxis there was a palpable sense of relaxation or ease of apprehension throughout our entire family. Like you mentioned by saying you can travel, it is liberating.
Yeah Sara...I'm so proud of you!!! It just keeps getting easier and easier! Go enjoy your new sence of freedom with your little man!
Take care
Great job!!!!
Great Job! I knew you wouldn't have any trouble with it. Keep up the good work mommy!
I just now found your link here from your facebook profile. Of course, I spent the last hour reading your back-posts instead of folding my laundry, so now you're going to have to come over and iron.
Truly enjoying it! (the blog, not the wrinkles)
Stephanie (Meade) Gresham
Check me out at http://unicornbutterflies.blogspot.com/
oh, and this whole port thing is no small feat accomplished. bravo. you must be so proud of yourself.
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